Application for Membership
Thank you for your interest in joining the Croghan Fire Department. A printable version of the application is available below.
Once a completed application is received by the department, the application is read in at the next regular fire meeting held the first Thursday of each month. Applicants are requested to be present at this meeting to be introduced to the members. Following being read in, the applicant undergoes a department orientation and criminal background check by the department at no expense to the applicant. Upon successful completion of the orientation and background check, the applicant is voted on by the membership at the next regular meeting. If the member is voted in by the membership, he/she must undergo a county physical at no expense to the applicant and be approved by the Croghan Village Board (Department's Governing Body) prior to participating in any emergency. A member must submit a DMV Driver Abstract ( reimbursed by department) prior to being allowed on drivers list.
To meet the Active Member SOP, all members must meet the following ANNUAL requirements:
-Respond to minimum of 10% of Emergency Calls
-Complete minimum of 8 hours of OSHA approved department training
-Attend a minimum of 5 meetings
-Serve as an officer or serve on one committee.
Once a completed application is received by the department, the application is read in at the next regular fire meeting held the first Thursday of each month. Applicants are requested to be present at this meeting to be introduced to the members. Following being read in, the applicant undergoes a department orientation and criminal background check by the department at no expense to the applicant. Upon successful completion of the orientation and background check, the applicant is voted on by the membership at the next regular meeting. If the member is voted in by the membership, he/she must undergo a county physical at no expense to the applicant and be approved by the Croghan Village Board (Department's Governing Body) prior to participating in any emergency. A member must submit a DMV Driver Abstract ( reimbursed by department) prior to being allowed on drivers list.
To meet the Active Member SOP, all members must meet the following ANNUAL requirements:
-Respond to minimum of 10% of Emergency Calls
-Complete minimum of 8 hours of OSHA approved department training
-Attend a minimum of 5 meetings
-Serve as an officer or serve on one committee.
Printable Version (click below)
If you experience difficulty printing application, please email us for assistance at [email protected]